Alice's Law - Ban-buttock augmentation procedures-from high street shops

Alice's Law

Ban Liquid BBL procedures

From High Street Shops

using hyaluronic acid dermal fillers

  • Make illegal for anyone other than registered
    Plastic Surgeons on General Medical Council (GMC) specialist register, operating from a Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated environment, to perform buttock augmentation procedures using hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.
  • This law will ban unsafe practice and ensure that patients are fully aware of the associated risks and potential longer lasting and safer alternative procedures.
  • Ban practitioners lacking healthcare experience, operating in unsuitable and unsterile environments, often using using unlicensed products, from undertaking Liquid BBL procedures.

Background Petition informed that
52 per cent of people helped by Save Face, had contracted sepsis (infection) and over 39 per cent required corrective surgery - many were told at the hospital that they might not survive.

Save Face further informed that hundreds of people are left with permanent disfigurements, chronic pain, and the inability to walk, care for their children or return to work.

The law at the moment makes those responsible not held accountable. 

We used all forms of social media to meet the audience in their most comfortable locations, and talked in their own language.

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