Make claiming benefit simple, without long forms to fill in. Saves on admin costs.
Pay 90 per cent of real living wage (Living Wage Foundation rate) in Jobseekers Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance (WRAG and Support) to each person individually, single or a couple. Simplifies admin.
Family Carer’s Allowance paid at 90 per cent of real living wage (Living Wage Foundation rate).
End sanctions stopping benefit payment, leaving people without food money.
Return to signing on every fortnight when jobless, and no other requirement for those out of work to claim Unemployment Money. In person or online. Work towards where best is the place to sign on in person or online, and until then suspend til ready.
Help to self employed artists, actors and musicians, who have irregular income as work comes and goes, by ease of signing on and off unemployment benefit, each fortnight.
Housing Benefit from age 16 years.
Housing Benefit to cover full private or social rental.
Work towards rent capping to be properly affordable in social and private rental, so no need to claim Housing Benefit when in work.
£16 per hour minimum wage from age 16, so no need to claim benefit when in work.
End cuts to Bereavement Support Payment.
End Universal Credit.
End Work Capability Assessment.
End all private welfare admin firms.
Replace by fully funded Citizens Advice Bureau to help not hinder, to tell you what you are entitled to claim.
End Jobcentres.
Replace by fully funded Citizens Advice Bureau to help not hinder, to tell you what you are entitled to claim and help you fill in simplified forms.
Increase by at least £20 per week, disability benefits.
Make all current disability and chronic sick benefits Life Awards, with no further re-assessments, for all ages.
New claimants to disability and chronic sick benefit, to be awarded solely from the original NHS doctor’s medical diagnosis. Then Life Awards.
Work towards Ending Pension Credit as all pensioners, old and new, will get the same increased UK state pension of £512.45 per week, regardless of National Insurance record, tax free if UK resident.
UNIQUE POLICY to Over 50s party
AGE 50 to 59 BENEFIT
Automatic Over 50s Allowance of 90 per cent of real living wage (Living Wage Foundation rate) to unemployed from age 50 men and women, for UK residents, with government liable for errors.