Better Survival from Pancreatic Cancer

Better Survival from Pancreatic Cancer

Commit to doubling survival for pancreatic cancer and the other less survivable cancers

Government Invest in Research


  • Pancreatic Cancer Screening via MRI / CT Scan for anyone over the age of 40 on a regular basis. Earlier for those with family history.

  • Investing at least £35m a year into Pancreatic Cancer research to bring about breakthroughs in early diagnosis and new treatments.

  • Treating pancreatic cancer as an emergency, so everyone gets diagnosed within 21 days.

  • Doubling the number people getting life-saving treatment within 21 days of diagnosis

From Pancreatic Cancer charity website:

..."In 2024, over half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are still dying within three months. The UK is falling behind the rest of the world. We are 29th out of 33 countries for five year survival."...

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