- Nationalise buses.
- Charter of Service to local bus passengers.
- Lower and Cap bus fares.
- Provide bus routes that serve local schools, hospitals and isolated settlement in rural areas.
- New electric powered trams and buses for towns and cities, built or assembled in British workshops, fitted with disabled peoples' electric ramp access.
- Solar panels on bus depot roofs to store and charge electric buses.
- Put solar panels atop buses.
- Retrofit in British workshops, diesel buses to Euro 6 standards for rural routes, and retrofit electric ramp disabled access.
UK-wide and Transport for London (TfL) Bus Workers’ Bill of Rights:
1. The Right to a safe work schedule without any forced overtime or loss of pay
2. The Right to a decent and proper rest break in the working day
3. The Right to drive a safe and well-maintained vehicle
4. The Right to clean, serviced toilet and rest facilities on all bus routes
5. The Right to report safety concerns without fear of retribution from Transport for London (TfL) or other UK bus employers
6. The Right, when seriously ill and covered by a doctor's note, to not be harassed into coming into work until fit to do so
7. The Right to relevant and timely safety training
8. The Right to drive without being forced to answer radio messages and texts from Controllers whilst in motion
9. The Right to have all company rules in writing and clearly displayed
10. The Right to be treated with dignity and respect by UK bus employers, TfL and the public
11. The Right to Working Air Cooling in our cabs in the summer heat
12. The Right to Working Heaters in bus and tram cabs in the cold of winter
Source: On Tuesday, 5 November 2024, London Bus Drivers organised a March and Rally to TfL Headquarters to demand them to immediately accept a London Bus Workers’ Bill of Rights.
Background source as above -
Safety for bus passengers and drivers
Since 2014—
· An average of 3 people a day are hospitalised from a preventable Bus Safety Incident, at least one of which is a collision;
· About every 5-6 weeks, someone is killed in a preventable Bus Safety Incident, mostly from collisions;
· For the past decade, 1 in 10 Deaths from Road Traffic Incidents in London has involved a TfL Bus.
· Since this Mayor was elected, 87 people have been killed in preventable Bus Safety Incidents, mostly from collisions.
· In 2024 over 1 person per month has been killed