Pensions 1960s Born Ladies

1960s Ladies


Ladies born from
1960 to 1964 to receive compensation for loss of pension from age 60, as below.

  • 1963 and 1964 born ladies - £7,000 

  • 1961 and 1962 ladies - £14,000 

  • 1960 ladies - £21,000 


- 1963 born ladies turn 61 in 2024.

If general election is December 2024 then 1964 born ladies turn 60 in 2024, so turn 61 in 2025) 

  • Half of all 1960s born Ladies will start being paid monthly state pension.

  • Our Over 50s party Government will do this automatically without you needing to claim, after we win next general election, by your kindly putting your pencil cross in our box.

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